Belle Stockdale is the Business Operations Associate at Dopl Technologies. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts at The New School where she majored in dramatic arts, with focuses in directing and acting. She learned how to create cohesive and collaborative environments and became an expert at juggling a myriad of responsibilities, turning tenacious projects into compelling products.
Belle is extremely passionate about accessibility and finding creative solutions to difficult problems. Developing a dynamic disability in her early 20’s has opened her eyes to the tremendous downfalls society faces in terms of adequate accessibility, and she works tirelessly to promote equitable access for all.
She has previous experience as an executive assistant and business operations associate for major start-ups, assisting heavily in the continuation and expansion of businesses. Prior to that, she worked at a variety of odd jobs that have greatly impacted her current expertise. As a nanny and teacher, she learned patience, empathy, and communication skills. As a freelance writer, she honed her writing proficiency and articulacy while meeting deadlines and working independently, furthering her passion of finding intersections of creativity and corporations.
Fun Fact: Belle has visited Africa and India to teach theatre through a social justice lens to rural communities.